

Poems on this page are very near and dear to my heart.  
I wrote these poems long time ago, to say exactly what I feel without using big literary words.

Nature and I

I’m so much fond of nature;200068715-001
If it were my heart,
My heart would really break;
If, from it, I should part,
I love to wonder in nature;
Keeping my mind at ease,
I feel myself in a magical world;
While walking in a breeze,
Kind and bounteous nature;
Fills my heart with joy,
Wild and furry nature;
Let my heart go dry,
Nature gives me comfort and pleasure
To my heart and to my mind
I pray, as long as I live in this world;
Nature shall remain my best companion,
It shall always be my chum
My everlasting friend.


ID-100141749Sometimes being family
means more than just
smiles and good times;
It means caring for each other
and building bridges of trust;
It means not being afraid to ask
and answer difficult questions;
It means accepting one another
for what we are —-
It also means pulling together
when things get rough,
counting on someone is there
to depend on,
knowing that love will
always be there
No matter what!

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